Thursday, 7 July 2011

My new blog shop

Remember a few posts ago when I talked about the lady in the shop who offered to sell my baby shoes?

Well I went to see her yesterday, and she said two things: firstly she would only take them in September when she gets the autumn stock in. Secondly she would charge the double of the price I'm asking for them!

So I'm not sure it would work... and I've decided, after encouragement from my family and friends, to set up a little shop here in blogland and see how that works out. I haven't yet set up anything exotic like a paypal account, but if I get enough sales I will do so. In the meantime I can accept payment by cheque in UK pounds or Euros.

For now I've only posted a couple of things, but please take a look at Is it a toy shop.

If you've seen things on this blog that you would like to buy, or if you would like me to make something from one of my patterns in a particular yarn or colour, contact me by email and I'll see what I can do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this pattern. Ilove it.
