Thursday 25 October 2012

Teddy rattle free pattern

Thank you so much for your interest in my little teddy rattle. Here, at last, is the pattern.

As usual, please do not sell this pattern. Do not post this pattern to any website, but link directly to my blog. No file sharing of this pattern. Please respect my rights as the designer of this pattern, so that I can keep on sharing my patterns for free.

(A word on lining: I line the head with cotton fabric so as to be sure that none of the polyfill will come out. I consider this is especially important when making toys for babies. If you want to do the same, when you get to row 18 of the head, draw around it on a piece of paper and use this as a pattern to cut out two pieces of soft cotton fabric. stitch close to the edge, leaving a gap for stuffing that is also big enough for the rattle insert. Now turn inside out and place it inside the head. Now stuff it and add the rattle insert, sewing it closed by hand.)

For this photo, I stuffed the cotton "bag" before putting it in the head. It's easier to place the empty "bag" in the head before adding the rattle and stuffing it, and then sew the gap closed.

Another solution would be to user a smaller hook, so that your stitches are really very tight. I prefer to line.

For now, though, let's get on with the actual pattern.

(Please note that the pattern has not been properly tested, so there might be some mistakes. If you find any, or if any of it is difficult to understand, please tell me in the comments section and I will update/respond to the best of my ability.)

You will need:

A small amount of sportsweight yarn in two colours (I used Debbie Bliss eco baby)
Contrasting yarn or embroidery thread for the face
A 3 mm crochet hook
A rattle insert

Start with the ears (make 2)

Using colour A make a magic ring

rnd 1 - 6 sc into magic ring
rnd 2 - 2 sc in each st around (12 sts)
rnd 3-4 - sc around (12 sts)
rnd 5 - [sc2tog, 1 sc], rep to end (8 sts)
rnd 6 - working through both thicknesses, 4 sc.

Fasten off, leaving a long tail to sew the ears to the head.

Now make the little arms (make 2)

Using colour B make a magic ring

rnd 1 - 6 sc into magic ring
rnd 2 - [1 sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st] twice (8 sts)
rnd 3 - sc around (8 sts)
Change to colour A
rnd 4-10 sc around (8 sts)

Fasten off.


Using colour A make a magic ring

rnd 1 - 6 sc into magic ring
rnd 2 - 2 sc in each st around (12 sts)
rnd 3 - [2 sc in next st, 1 sc] rep around (18 sts)
rnd 4 - [2 sc in next st, 2 sc] rep around (24 sts)
rnd 5 - [2 sc in next st, 3 sc] rep around (30 sts)
rnd 6 - [2 sc in next st, 4 sc] rep around (36 sts)
rnd 7-9 - sc around (36 sts)
rnd 10 - [2 sc in next st] three times, sc in next 15 sts, [2 sc in next st] 3 times, sc in next 15 sts (42 sts)
rnd 11-13 - sc around (42 sts)
Carry on sc to just below the middle inc stitch of row 10. (If you look carefully, you'll notice that the increases of rnd 10 are visible as three larger stitches on each side of the head. Use those stitches as a guide of where the sides of the head are) Change to colour B.  (see photo)

Can you see the larger stitches?

rnd 14-16 - sc around (42 sts)

rnd 17 - [1sc in next 5 sts, sc2tog] rep around (36 sts)
rnd 18 - sc around (36 sts)

Now is a good time to sew on the ears and embroider the eyes, nose and mouth with contrasting yarn or embroidery thread. To place them, flatten the face, making sure that the increases of rnd 9 are on the edge of the head, giving it the right shape.  Sew the ears on between rows 4 and 7. Embroider the nose in the middle of the face, on rnd 12. Space the eyes evenly in relation to the nose, then add the cheeky smile. Now stuff the head. (See notes above re lining the head before stuffing)

rnd 19 - [1sc in next 4 sts, sc2tog] rep around (30 sts)
rnd 20 - sc around (30 sts)

rnd 21 - [1sc in next 3 sts, sc2tog] rep around (24 sts)
Change to colour A
rnd 22 - sc around (24 sts)

Join in one of the arms by crocheting through both thicknesses together with the rest of rnd 23.

Continue sc until you are at the centre front of the head, then skip 12 sts and sc in the next st. From now on, you will be working only in the remaining 12 sts. Work several rows in colour A, and then add colour B and work in a spiral, changing colour every 12 sts (leaving the yarn to one side every time you change colour - don't cut the yarn!) If you prefer, you can also make the handle in a single colour.

Here you can see how the handle is constructed.

Continue the tube, stuffing as you go. As this part is too narrow to line, I use a very old woollen felted blanket, cut into little shreds, to stuff the handle. Continue until the handle measures approx 19 cm (7 1/2 inches), finishing with colour A, and work the same number of rounds in colour as you did at the beginning of the handle. Join in the second arm, on the same side as the first one (see photo). Finish off the rnd on the opposite side to the arm and finish off, leaving a long thread for sewing.

Now make sure you have stuffed the handle enough, then very carefully sew the open part of the handle to the remaining 12 sts of the head.

Don't hesitate pulling on it to make sure your stitches are strong enough. Safety is an issue here! When you're satisfied that the handle is securely sewn, fasten off and hide the ends inside the head.

And there you have a cute little teddy rattle!


  1. Perfect for my new great nephew, thank you!

  2. I just love this pattern and have been waiting for you to finish it :)
    Can I please translate it to Danish as I know that a lot of people will love it here ind Denmark - I can send it to you, so that you can offer the Danish pattern here as well?

  3. Hello Tulle,
    Please feel free to translate the pattern into Danish. I would just ask you to kindly make a link on the Danish translation back to the blog, and please ask people to post a photo of their rattles on the flickr page if at all possible. I can't wait to see all the Danish teddy rattles :)

  4. Thank you SO MUCH!
    I will make sure to link and give you loads of credit!

    Hope to have it ready mid-week but always make one myself before going public :)

    1. I'm very pleased about you making one first. You can be my tester :)

  5. Thank you so much for the pattern, it is looking great. So sad I don´t have little babies around at the moment!
    Have a great week!!

    1. So nice to hear from you Barbina! Have a great week too <3

  6. That is an adorable pattern. I have bookmarked it for future use. It would be a fantastic shower gift.

  7. Can I sell finished toys made from your pattern?

    1. Yes you can but if possible please credit me as the designer.

  8. This is absolutely gorgeous, and I love your tips on making it really safe - so important! Thank you for sharing your pattern! I linked to your page this morning on my blog, at if you want to check it out. :)

  9. Hello, what a gorgeous little baby toy! Where do you find a rattle insert?

    1. If you're in Australia or the US they're easy to find, just google rattle insert. Some people also sell them on Etsy. If you're in Europe, contact me by email (see my profile page) and I might be able to help.

  10. Today my little yellow och white teddy rattle moved in with a little 4 week old baby :) Thank you so much for the really cute pattern!

    1. How lovely. It's a pleasure, I'm glad you like the pattern.

  11. Thank you so much for the wonderful pattern. Absolutely adorable!

  12. Another way to avoid the lining is a trick I use. I cut older t-shirts into strips 3/4 to 1 " wide and use it as stuffing. You can buy them at most thrift stores by the pound!

    1. That's a good idea. Thank your for the suggestion :)

  13. Hi there! Thank you so much for this cute pattern! I did it for my 5months old boy! The only thing I faced was the the head turned to be bigger & heavier than the body - though on your picture it looks quite symmetrical... so in my case the upper part a bit overweights the handle!)... so if I do it one more time I'll make the head a bit smaller! Thanks again

  14. Hello :) I just want to say that I used this pattern and had no problem making it. Thank you! I've uploaded a photo of it + a link back to this page on my blog.

    1. I love it! And the colours you chose are great.

  15. Hi!
    I really thank you for this lovely pattern! I just finished it for my baby boy coming on 6weeks by now :-) Sure he'll love it!

    I'm posting your link in our page as credits!


    1. Your teddy looks belissimo! I'm sure your baby will love it.

  16. I love this bear! I'm half way through with one in offwhite and green for one of my friend's newborn son.
    Jenny, Sweden

    1. That's great, Jenny. I'd love to see a photo of the finished rattle. Maybe you could add a link here or send me a pic by email?

  17. Where do you purchase a rattle insert? Great pattern. I can't wait to try it.

  18. Hi Terry, you can sometimes find rattle inserts in craft shops, or on ebay or etsy. I bought mine from a craft catalogue. If you're in Europe, let me know if you can't find one and I'll see what I can do.

  19. Hi, thank you so much for sharing this pattern, I've made it!
    If you are interested you can find a picture here

    1. Aww he's so cute! Thank you for sharing your photo.

  20. Hi Tamra, I know of at least one seller on Etsy who is based in the US and sells a pack of three rattle inserts for 2.50$.

  21. Thank you so much for you sharing your gorgeous pattern! I've already made it, here in my blog you can find some photos of the pretty bear and my pretty baby:

    I've seen in previuos comments that some people have translated the pattern to Danish, and I was wondering if you allowed me to traslate it to Spanish.

    Thank you again!

    1. Hola Sonia! Yes of course you can translate the pattern into Spanish. Please send me the link so that I can let people know about it. Your baby is very cute :)

  22. Thank you so much! Already done, here you can see the translation, I hope I made no mistakes :)

    Thank you again for you being so generous!

    1. It's a pleasure, Sonia. May I share your page and your lovely photos on the Is it a toy Facebook page?

  23. Thanks for the pattern! I just made one for my nephew. Here's a link to my blog with pictures if you're interested:

    1. So cute! And a good idea for the rattle, too.

  24. Most people have the odd white sock laying around. Use the toe part for lining the head for stuffing. This works very well.

    1. That's a great idea. I sometimes use the toe from a pair of tights or sheer socks too.

  25. So nice to do! Thank you for your generosity, the rattle was a big success!

  26. Hello, you are so talented. I'm so gonna try doing this for my new born. By the way, where can i buy rattle online? I'm from Malaysia (Asia Pacific). Trying searching it from the local craft stores, they don't sell rattle, perhaps I would substitute it with bells?

    1. Hi Bee Ling, if you go to and search for "rattle insert" you'll find a few sellers. At least one of them is from Australia, so not too far from you.
      If you do decide to use bells, I suggest you enclose them in a little cloth bag so that the stuffing doesn't get inside the bell and stop it from ringing.
      I hope this helps :)

  27. Hi im not an experienced crocheter so i dont understand what do u mean by work through both thicknesses also for the ears r u working in rounds?

    1. Hi for the ears you work in rounds, and then press the two sides together and crochet into two stitches at a time (one side pressed against the other) Gosh that sounds complicated but it really isn't! If you prefer, you can just sew the two sides together while you connect them to the head. I sometimes do it that way too.

  28. Thanks for this beautiful pattern! I 've make this teddy rattle. Pleas can I translate this pattern to Dutch?

    1. Hi, yes you can translate the pattern to Dutch but please also make a link back to this page and make it clear that I'm the designer of the pattern. Thank you.

  29. Great pattern! Could you post a picture, or explain in a little more detail, how you stitched the end of the tube to the body? I want the stitches to blend in with the crochet, but I also want it to be secure.

    1. Thank you! Normally, the number of stitches at the end of the tube should be equal to the number of stitches remaining at the head end. So you should just be able to sew one stitch to one stitch and then make sure you fasten off securely. I hope it works out!

  30. Thank you for this pattern. Really cure.

  31. Hi! I loved do make this pattern, and I published in my blog,
    Take a look. I put a link to your blog.
    Thanks very much.

  32. Hi I'm not sure if I'm reading pattern incorrectly but for the head it says carry on just below increase in row 9 but there is no increase in row 9

    1. Thank you for spotting that. The increases are on row 10, but the spaces are actually more visible on row 9. I'll change the pattern to make it easier to understand.

  33. The comments for round 10 talks about 3 larger stitches, but the directions for that round doesn't mention making any other stitch besides sc. Did you use a hdc and why do you need 3 larger stitches? Thanks

    1. Hi, If you look carefully, you'll notice that the increases of rnd 10 are visible as three larger stitches on each side of the head. The stitches look larger because they have been used for the increases in the previous row. It's just a guide to find the sides of the head. Only sc are used throughout.

  34. Can you tell me the size of the finished rattle( lenght, width, circumference)? the photo makes it look rather small, and as I am making it, mine is looking much larger( my guage might be off) . Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Hi the full length is approx 12 cm and the diametre of the head approx 5.5 cm. I hope this helps.

    2. My head got much longer than on the picture. I think it is depending on the yarn.

  35. I love this little rattle.
    Can I translate the pattern into Danish and publish it on my blog? I will refer to you, off course.

  36. Thank you for a great pattern! Mine is pink and moving to my little cousin.

  37. Quick question....after round 13 it says to continue sc until the middle of the increases in round 10. How many single crochets would that be (to the middle of the first set of increases -3 single crochets-; in between the two sets of increases -10 or 11 single crochets-; or in the middle of the second set of increases-24 single crochets-). Thank you for your help and your generosity sharing this pattern with all of us.

    1. Oh dear Melissa, I'll have to make another one to count the number of stitches! It is really just a guide so that the colour change is on the side of the head and so will be less noticeable.

    2. That's what I needed to know! Thanks again for this adorable pattern!

  38. I love the look of this-so cute! But I have one question, what is a 'magic ring'?

  39. Where do I get a rattle insert?

  40. Hi, I just made this and I found a rattle insert in a rattle from the dollar store. It was only $1.00 and I cut open the rattle and took the little ball/rattle out to use in this!

  41. is this pattern in US or UK terms.
    Also if you want to make a rattle insert you could get the empty plastic eggs put a bell inside then cover completely with duct tape or other tape in case the yarn comes undone the child can't get the egg open and choke on the little bell. Or you could put a few dried beans in the eggs if you didn't want it too loud. Again..tape it very well

  42. This is so very cute I will be making them for the new babies in my family . Thank you so much for sharing. I also make hats and booties for the neonatal wards at the local hospital and they have asked for toys, this will be a wonderful way to use up the leftover yarn as well. Once again thank you. Sara

  43. Hello,thanks for sharing this cute pattern, I really love it!
    There is a sentence in the article of rnd6- working through both thicknesses, 4 sc.
    May I know what the exactly means,please?

    Thanks Lesley

  44. Hi. Just wanted to let you know that somebody is selling your free pattern on Etsy.

    Hope this helps.

  45. Hi there

    I just wondered how many chain is a magic ring?
    Is this in Aussie or American terms?
    Thank you
    Wait for your answer

  46. Hi and thanks for the pattern, I love it and am currently making one of these rattles for my nephew.
    I have a question regarding the arms, did you stuffed them?
    Thanks in advance.

  47. Im new to crochet and I just made this for my second project. Screwed it up a few times but I managed to work it out and pull it together nicely, little bit rough but the next one should be better. Thanks heaps for the pattern!

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  49. I've made one for my little one. I love it. Thank you so much.

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