Sunday, 3 April 2011

A weekend in orange and yellow

Baby shoes
Originally uploaded by aishakenza
I have had (and am still having!) a lovely hooky weekend - and a long one too. I didn't work on Friday and I've had plenty of time to finish off some crochet and sewing.
First of all, these little tiny shoes for my newest great-niece. I wrote the pattern as I went along, but I'm not going to reproduce it here yet, because first of all I would like to simplify it a bit (and I also want to make a similar pair in DK wool). I think they look so joyful in these bright colours.

Felt chick brooch

In the same yellow/orange theme, I've made an addition to my collection of owl brooches with their cousin, Little Yellow Chick.
You may have noticed the green woolly background to the little chick. Guess what it is? I'm going to tell you: it's part of the planned Jolly Green Giant socks for my OH. But bad news, I'm afraid. I've decided not to finish them. They were becoming very thick and fluffy, and I was worried they would end up on this blog. So OH isn't going to look like the Jolly Green Giant any time soon. Actually, he doesn't really mind :D.


  1. Shos are really cute and the chick is adorable

  2. Thanks Clare :-D
    I'm half way through the woollen ones, and I've started some in newborn size in grey and sky blue. I'll post pics once I've finished them. When's your visit to Mickey & co? I bet Jack can't wait!

  3. Hi Caroline, came to see your blog...hooted with laughter at the what not to crochet blog!

  4. Hi Liz! It's great isn't it. I'm wondering if appearing on there would be a disaster, or a route to celebrity!
